MET PCB / Frontsheet


Met PCB (printed circuit board) / Frontsheet

Solar solutions where durability and performance are No. 1 factors! A robust PCB backsheet in combination with individually picked frontsheet provides balance in design and longevity.


Met PCB / Frontsheet

Extreme situations require extreme measures – that is why MET PCB / Frontsheet technology was developed. If the conditions of solar integrated product demands an energy solution to be shock resistant, durable in harsh climate and to perform in marine environment – MET PCB / Frontsheet is a perfect choice for integration.  Metsolar analyses demands of every project separately and advises on materials to be used on every case. PCB together with different variations of frontsheet are used to achieve best performance together with aesthetics of a module.

Small size, custom shaped solar modules enables seamless integration even to the most ambitious projects.


Module layers

  • PCB   
  •    Frontsheet
  • Encapsulant   
  •    Solar cells
  •    Encapsulant

Data sheet

Customization data sheet

Length (mm)Up to 585mm
Width (mm)Up to 585mm
Module thickness2.3mm - 3.9mm
Cell spacing 2mm - 40mm
Size of cells5", 6" or cut cells
ShapeCircle, Rectangle, Triangle, Octagon, etc.
Types of cellsMono, Mono PERC, Poly
Cell arrangementCustom cell arrangement option
Solar cell colors
+ 4 more
PCB colors


Customization options

Custom cell arrangement

The layout is important, so we offer full flexibility on cell pattern in panel

Custom size options

Usable area is up to 585mm – we can meet the smallest and the biggest product needs

Types of cells

Full (5’’ or 6’’) or laser cut cells. Mono and poly type of cells

Custom shaped

Circular, round, triangle, oval shaped, mini rectangle and more custom shaped modules


From 2.3mm to 3.9mm. Other options are possible on demand

Colored solar panels

Solar cells and PCB in different colors are used to achieve wanted design effect

Created with Sketch.



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Our customization options

Our customization options
